Conic Hill

On a wet and miserable day two months ago, I made my third attempt at tackling Conic Hill: one of my absolute favourite hill walks. Unfortunately, the ascent was not to be.  For someone that would describe themselves as having quite a hyperactive personality on occasion, the irony that I have hyperactive knees (seriously, it's a thing apparently) is not lost upon me. I lost the battle with my knees that day and couldn't make it up. I of course was pretty damn gutted and upset about it but I was also determined.

I spent the next few weeks doing a LOT of walking home from work and leg stretches. Fast-forward to last weekend, and there I was at the foot of the hill again, sheer determination to get up there this time. That sheer determined, that I got up at 7am on a Saturday and took two trains and a bus to get to it: I wasn't being beaten this time. Note: if leaving from Glasgow, get the Queen St - Balloch train, then walk along to Balloch Bus Station (at the Coop) and jump on the 309 to Balmaha Car Park. Conic begins at the top right end of the car park.

I arrived at the starting point at 10.30am to find it rather desolate and quiet when I set off. Seriously, I saw not one person on the first third of the walk up, rather scary when you haven't told anyone you are doing it (note to self: always tell someone where you're going). I found the quietness however, very serene and peaceful and with no hordes of people around me, it meant I could hike at my own pace.

The first part of the walk is through a beautiful forest path which starts off brisk and easy, but begins to steadily climb (and the first stairs begin).

When you pass the kissing gate, that's where Conic REALLY begins. You're treated to about a hunner stairs right away which nearly flat out end you but it's doable.

Due to the rainy overnight weather it was pretty damn muddy on Conic and although I was wearing trainers, I really did need the walking pole I took. On one occasion on my descent, I ran into a mud bath and if it wasn't for two lovely old American guys, I would've been on my arse in the mud! So prepare for all weathers up there!

There is a reason why Conic Hill is my favourite hike: the views. You just can't beat them. The whole way up you're just treated to view after view after view - it's astounding. Take care when you stop to admire them however as a lot of the trek up is via uneven stepping stones.

When you're nearly at the top you'll come across what I call, the Devil's Fecking Lane: a crazy steep path that leads up to the final rocky section of the climb. Make it up here, and you deserve a swig of whisky for your effort.

After you scramble up the final rocky section to the very top of Conic, you'll be treated to some of the best views across Loch Lomond. The loch, islands, Ben see EVERYTHING. It truly takes your breath away. I spent around 15 minutes just looking at and taking everything in. It also always gives me some time for reflection. Looking over that beautiful view, I was so proud of myself for the sheer determination and willpower to make it to the top this time and it was a great few minutes to pause and reflect on a few things in my personal life.

All in, it took me around 1 hour 45 minutes to climb up and down so it's perfect for those that don't have a whole day to hillwalk. When I reached the bottom of the hill I couldn't believe what had walked right out in front of me on the path....Bambi himself coming to say congratulations for making it though my hike. What.a.moment!

When I hit the car park, there was only one thing for it in my mind...a sprint over to the Oak Tree Inn for their Mac n Cheese. This place is dynamite for their food and views over the loch. As I got there at 12.15pm, it was really quiet and I was the only one dining in the restaurant side (there's a bar area also).

I had a lovely fun chat with my initial waitress who swiftly brought me a large cold pint of diet coke to recover from my hike and took my order of 'vegetarian Mac n Cheese', which she both repeated and took a note of. How then, 15 minutes later a bacon infused macaroni ended up being placed in front of me I don't know but thankfully, the team sorted it out quite quickly and, having dined here on multiple occasions, this was the first issue I've ever had. Wrong order aside, when the veggie Mac n Cheese finally arrived, it was absolute heaven on a plate.

All gooey and thick with that all important mature cheese. De-lish. As the 1.30pm bus was calling my name, I crawled back onto it feeling very proud of myself for pushing myself up that hill and it showcased that when you put your mind to something: you can achieve anything.

Leanne x